#CAS No : 87-62-7
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lover-also-fighter-also · 6 months ago
4, 7, 16, 24, 54, 57, 62, 87, 98 for Ria
4. Can they sing? If so, would they ever enter a singing competition?
Ria is a really gifted singer, and definitely I could see her pushing herself to enter music competitions to embolden herself. That's part of why she pushed herself to try out for the spring musical in CA book 3, and even after that she and Mila (CA MC) bond over singing at open mics.
7.  How would they react to a theme park? Do they like rollercoasters? The games? The food? The other rides?
Ria is absolutely fond of theme parks, like she gets this giddy childish look on her face . Having missed out on a lot as a kid, she would have explored everything, from the rollercoasters to the games, and would insist on trying out all of the deep fried food (even if it will make her sick).
16.  If they have a significant other, do they celebrate their anniversary? If so, how?
Ria and Maria celebrate their anniversary by either going to a restaurant (the hi-fi ones) or they drive to a secluded place, like the cliffs that they went to in bk 3 after the promposal and have a picnic. Either way, they like to spend the day only in each other's company, pampering each other.
24.  How do they feel about their birthday and how do they celebrate it?
Ria counts each birthday as an accomplishment that she has survived and is leading a beautiful life. As a kid, her brithdays were simple, with Scott giving her a mini celebration without stressing her out too much. After she started dating Maria, Maria insisted on holding bigger parties (which she does most of the planning, but everyone helps).
54.  What would you describe as “out of their comfort zone” and what would push them to get out of it?
Doing something that she has never done before would be a little intimidating for Ria, and would consider it out of her comfort zone. But her motto of living life to the fullest would always get her out of the scary feeling.
57.  Are they more of a shower or bath kind of person? Do they take long baths/showers, or short ones?
Ria does both, but its bath when she is alone and its shower with Maria, both instances are long ones.
62.  How do they feel about violence? Are they a pacifist?
Ria is the most conflict avoidant person, and in any situation would like to diffuse the violence.
87.  What’s their favorite kind of takeout/fast food?
It's a little tacky...but Ria's favourite food is the ice creams and softies at McDonalds. Butter Chicken and Naan is a close second.
98.  Do they have any surprising/hidden skills that no one else is aware of? If so, what are they?
For a person who is not really into playing sports, Ria was pretty surprised by her throwing arm while playing dunk tank in the winter carnival in bk 2 chapter 4. Michael even compliments that she should have been the quarterback.
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blaze-ja · 2 years ago
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jymeia · 2 years ago
All the elements of the periodic table in the Kichwa language
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Jose E. Andino-Enríquez, Manuel A. Andino-Enríquez, Francis E. Hidalgo-Báez, Sisa P. Chalán-Gualán, Santiago D. Gualapuro-Gualapuro, Simone Belli and Michelle B. Chicaiza-Lema recently published in the Journal of Chemical Education a proposal to adapt the names of the 118 elements of the periodic table to Kichwa (Adaptation of the Periodic Table to Kichwa: An Ecuadorian Native Language; J. Chem. Ed., 2022 99 (1), 211-218, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.1c00383).
The authors explain that the Kichwa lacks scientific tools to respond to educational needs, triggering the gradual loss of intercultural diversity. To adapt the periodic table to Kichwa, they took into account the different linguistic variations of the language and the opinion of the speakers. This is the adaptation compared to the Spanish version, the language most widely spoken in Ecuador:
Lo autores explican que que el kichwa carece de herramientas científicas para responder a las necesidades educativas, desencadenando la pérdida gradual de la diversidad intercultural. Para adaptar la tabla periódica al kichwa tuvieron en cuenta las diferentes variaciones lingüísticas del idioma y la opinión de los hablantes. Así quedó la adaptación:
Kichwa Spanish
1 H Yakutiksi Hidrógeno 2 He Hilyu Helio 3 Li Lityu Litio 4 Be Wirilyu Berilio 5 B Puru Boro 6 C Killimsa Carbono 7 N Nitrohinyu Nitrógeno 8 O Wayrasamay Oxígeno 9 F Flur Flúor 10 Ne Nyun Neón 11 Na Sutyu Sodio 12 Mg Maknisyu Magnesio 13 Al Aluminyu Aluminio 14 Si Silisyu Silicio 15 P Puspuru Fósforo 16 S Salliy Azufre 17 Cl Kluru Cloro 18 Ar Arkun Argón 19 K Putasyu Potasio 20 Ca Kalsyu Calcio 21 Sc Iskantyu Escandio 22 Ti Titanyu Titanio 23 V Panatyu Vanadio 24 Cr Krumyu Cromo 25 Mn Mankanisyu Manganeso 26 Fe Hirr Hierro 27 Co Ankasi Cobalto 28 Ni Nikyl Níquel 29 Cu Anta Cobre 30 Zn Zink Zinc 31 Ga Kalyu Galio 32 Ge Hirmanyu Germanio 33 As Arsyniku Arsénico 34 Se Silinyu Selenio 35 Br Prumyu Bromo 36 Kr Kriptun Kriptón 37 Rb Rupityu Rubidio 38 Sr Instrunsyu Estroncio 39 Y Itryu Itrio 40 Zr Zirkunyu Zirconio 41 Nb Nyupyu Niobio 42 Mo Muliptinyu Molibdeno 43 Tc Tiknisyu Tecnecio 44 Ru Rutinyu Rutenio 45 Rh Rutyu Rodio 46 Pd Palatyu Paladio 47 Ag Kullki Plata 48 Cd Katmyu Cadmio 49 In Intyu Indio 50 Sn Istanyu Estaño 51 Sb Antimonyu Antimonio 52 Te Tiluryu Telurio 53 I Iwtyu Yodo 54 Xe Sinun Xenón 55 Cs Sisyu Cesio 56 Ba Paryu Bario 57 La Lantanyu Lantano 58 Ce Siryu Cerio 59 Pr Prasyutimyu Praseodimio 60 Nd Nyutimyu Neodimio 61 Pm Prumisyu Prometio 62 Sm Samaryu Samario 63 Eu Yurupyu Europio 64 Gd Katulinyu Gadolinio 65 Tb Tirpyu Terbio 66 Dy Tisprusyu Disprosio 67 Ho Hulmyu Holmio 68 Er Irpyu Erbio 69 Tm Tulyu Tulio 70 Yb Itirpyu Iterbio 71 Lu Lutisyu Lutecio 72 Hf Hafnyu Hafnio 73 Ta Tantalyu Tántalo 74 W Ulpramyu Wolframio 75 Re Rinyu Renio 76 Os Usmyu Osmio 77 Ir Irityu Iridio 78 Pt Platinyu Platino 79 Au Kuri Oro 80 Hg Mirkuryu Mercurio 81 Tl Talyu Talio 82 Pb Antaki Plomo 83 Bi Pismutyu Bismuto 84 Po Polunyu Polonio 85 At Astatyu Astato 86 Rn Ratun Radón 87 Fr Fransyu Francio 88 Ra Ratyu Radio 89 Ac Aktinyu Actinio 90 Th Turyu Torio 91 Pa Prutaktinyu Protactinio 92 U Uranyu Uranio 93 Np Niptunyu Neptunio 94 Pu Plutonyu Plutonio 95 Am Amerisyu Americio 96 Cm Kuryu Curio 97 Bk Pirkilyu Berkelio 98 Cf Kalifurnyu Californio 99 Es Instinyu Einstenio 100 Fm Firmyu Fermio 101 Md Mintilipyu Mendelevio 102 No Nupilyu Nobelio 103 Lw Lawrinsyu Lawrencio 104 Rf Rutirfurtyu Rutherfordio 105 Db Tupnyu Dubnio 106 Sg Syapurhyu Seaborgio 107 Bh Puhryu Bohrio 108 Hs Hasyu Hasio 109 Mt Mitniryu Meitnerio 110 Ds Tarmastatyu Darmstatio 111 Rg Runtihinyu Roentgenio 112 Cn Kupirnisyu Copernicio 113 Nh Nihunyu Nihonio 114 Fl Flirupyu Flerovio 115 Mc Muskupyu Moscovio 116 Lv Lipirmuryu Livermorio 117 Ts Tinisyu Teneso 118 Og Ukanisun Oganesón
Reprinted with permission from “Adaptation of the Periodic Table to Kichwa: An Ecuadorian Native Language. Author: Jose E. Andino-Enríquez, Manuel A. Andino-Enríquez, Francis E. Hidalgo-Báez, et al. Publication:  Journal of Chemical Education Publisher: American Chemical Society. Date: Jan 1, 2022. Copyright © 2022, American Chemical Society”.
(For an individual, for non-commercial purposes, permission is granted at no charge for a cumulative total of 4 or fewer figures, tables, or micrographs, or an excerpt of 400 or fewer words for a single article. Appropriate credit should be given. Appropriate credit should read: "Reprinted with permission from {COMPLETE REFERENCE CITATION}. Copyright {YEAR} American Chemical Society." Insert appropriate information in place of the capitalized words. Please save this page for your records and for publication in print provide a copy to your publisher).
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flowflowflowflow · 8 months ago
Boat is in reverse position for word 'Enthusiasm' in escaping to Rivendell
+3 (In such case flipped position of boat as assumed as normal)
Let's check EQ (Sick Bubblegum)
SV, red, 6.58 AM, related to very rapid and extremely enthusiastic attempt to escape to Rivendell (Keeping this in mind)
19, 22
41 (41st victim, + 1 from red as 2 halves of children of Zuckerberg. Catherine explains to second Ariana Grande that Mark is unable to erase her, whereas she has already married to me, who is the only person who can erase her, in such way demonstrating her difference between them)
This slightly suggests 30 (CHS)
Looks as
A((CA)<-W)~A(AC)~113, 14, 3 and looks as chemistry (Suggestion about 'GO' as 67+3 in post with Where Crawdads Sing) and CH as Catherine Horodnitskii
In other words she enjoys behaving as my little bitch with whom I can do whatever I want, who can do whatever she wants with you, while she is unreachable for you because she is CHSBW
30 seems as (17+12+1)
Not TP (Because TR probably)
And adding red, 64+1, 19+1
65 seems as 66-1, where 66 from 1966th year
20 seems as 17+3 where 17 is 12.17.1966
Whereas in New York it was
2.58 AM
60 and 2.02 and 2.42
Let's add red
61 seems as either forever (Drained) or 139 (Drained Nyarlathotep?) and 29 as 26+3 or just 12+17
While 2.02, Bob, PE: DK, EDward
Adding red, 2.03, as Boc
We see escape to Rivendell and let's look in "Back to Shire'
2.03 + 3 negators
BABOC as БАБОС as БАКС and those huge bucks of money from which Chris Wray was turning away his head in my collages
21203~baboc, БАБОС, money man
185, RE, well, 86
But 19+66+17+12~114~86
We have 86 and we had 87 from 186 in Earthquake
While 193~7 (3+2+3-1)
And 8, Earthquake
And 1+7 and 3+2+3
Okay, further
There was 84, and red
85 as 1(86)
Flipped boat is not negator
This is reference to excessive enthusiasm
Omega + 3
What's in Rivendell?
RI~189, number of countries with Grand Lodges under jurisdiction of UGLE
Why exactly Rivendell?
Because there are High Elves
PE: DK had height 1.85 meters
I and Chris Wray have height 1.80 meters
So Chris Wray tried to escape in Rivendell to seek for help of high elves to deal with ongoing events (+5 centimeters, as 5th position of PE: DK)
With absolute enthusiasm
BOAT~2+15+1+20~38/11 and 23/5 as
38 as CH in Chris
It's flipped
62/89 and 77/5
3 negators
65/92 and 80/8
65 as 66-1
92 as Illusive Man eyes, Chris's eyes
80 as Nyarlathotep, 323
Boat got flipped on enthusiasm but there are 3 negators to fix it
Seemingly link to Lily Cole, very big IQ value required
Anyway, let's forgive (65~135~25, BE, 'I am sorry') flipped due to enthusiasm boat
There was attempt to escape in Rivendell
But it totally failed
Let's check post
3+22+20+22~67 as (1+2+1+7+1+9+6+6~33, 133) and 3+4+2+4~13
Let's remember about 3 negators or 4 if without enthusiasm
71~129 (12+17)
17, Q (17th birthday, but 1(29), specification, adjustment, strike)
If with enthusiasm, then 67+3~70, GO, Catherine says that she wants to do what I previously said
And 16
Sell out
Remember this from 10.21.2022?
Let's add one more
See you Soon
We remember there was number 189 and 'not elvian language (About sigils)'
Enthusiasm is very important (Remember extended version of Teardrops on My Guitar at Bacon Theatre or Beacon)
Let's apply same +3 or +4 here
We see 'BE~135~65'
Let's apply +3
+3~68 (132)
And there is closed marriage mentioned
A appears
+3~23 as 26-3
Or 33-10 or 33-90~123 because wife
But mine, not of Chris Wray
Let's check
Don't CC yourself
133123~67/13 (67~133)
Let's check Earthquake
My timezone
6.61~67/13, exactly
Look at 661 as (66)1 where 66 from 1966
Written in cool way
And escape in Rivendell done on a boat
This presumes it was done by Lily Cole or Greta Thunberg
There is enthusiasm, boat is slipped but still moves
Looks like rather Lily Cole
111(123)~11(1(323))~21(323) seems as drained Lily Cole!
21+323~344, Sick Bubblegum
But why did Lily Cole was running from somewhere (Seemingly USA) in Rivendell which is Grand Lodge of UGLE?
So it was not Lily Cole, possibly, but somebody very enthusiastic
Yes, there's 71~129
Ignoring red
84, 136
Within mind of not Lily Cole
Finally, 2.58~60
Red, 59~7 (3+2+3-1)
Finally SV
VS under Wreification
3 negators
Very strong anal sex
Fist Fuck (66 from 1966th)
Bad luck (BL, 212)
We remember about BABOC
OC remains
And ML as 25
Now let's again check 3.22 post
With escape to Rivendell
Escape to Rivendell failed (Bad luck)
Remember about 41
220~28 as C+A+W+1
Escape to Rivendell, also Galadriel
Ending of LOTR 3
No rush, no enthusiasm
Seemingly 71+-4
67~133 and 75 (84)
125~1335 (Yes and, and 336, Black Whore, 223~1(323))
No Or~67
Without Jenna Ortega
Escape to Rivendell failed
4 wives, right
And 6.2~138 (ACH, CH from Chris)
Escape was to Rivendell
And person was returned back to Shire
SH as A(SHer) if we use incorrect usage of first 3 in prefix
And RED(SV), 19+22 as 23+18~41
Seemingly blood transfusion at farms (Hoboken Hollows)
We can add seemingly last post from first Ariana Grande
31231 (Cool way)
31(231~My Nothing 8(Th))
(312~Cab, Ml/Bl)
Cab eb Th (Seemingly adventures of second Ariana Grande and second Taylor)
392~c 92~c Jenna Horodnitskii, in other words, second Ariana Grande fucks second Taylor Swift, whereas Jenna Ortega dies right after formal marriage to me, because I am not OS but OC and OC is in open marriage so we don't need to care about multiple linked identities)
Not dad
Vi is alive
Vi Go
V govno
And there's Lily Cole somewhere
Jenna appears to be a Charlotte, in other words Chris Wray
ML/BL + 5 bottles of vodka
Both 74 and 84
While Jenna Ortega is the real Taylor Rothschild and gots drained because of being in mask, since I search for people only visually and can't remove mask with my hands
Ultraviolance + Wrong
Feel this? Not good enough
Next step was escape to Rivendell to Ascended Masters yet it completely failed and led to disaster
Which appears to be
In other words, Chris Wray was playing scenario of his funerals in 'cool version' of filming
Where he died in cool way and then there was modeling of situations
Yet, in process he decided to escape in Rivendell for actual Master's advice
And it led to fatal for him consequences
Iksik in
GKAT is of course in this interpretation is EB
c EB~352~3513~48/12
How the hell you can get 48 from 11.58?
Take 58 and subtract 10 as 'for 90 days'
Because not marriage
Seemingly second Taylor to Putin for 90 days because marriage was not official while Taylor Rothschild was undercover and Jenna got drained because of wearing mask of Taylor Rothschild, after she got married to me officially, since I am not OS but OC, whereas as Chris Wray tragically died in catastrophic events during his way to Rivendell (Diana in reference, 49+3~52) he couldn't help to finish starring of Jenna Ortega in this wonderful movie as well as was unable to bring advice from Rivendell on time
As the result, I need to check on Jenna Ortega and Lady Gaga, yet there's one irreversible tragic event: death of Chris Wray
And, as he was escaping at boat (38~62 and 65~66-1, bad sign, as in Eclipse and burning tree in the Ring, BT~220, cab, somewhere, as father of Brian Hugh Warner in corresponding video for WE ARE CHAOS)
Lily Cole is referenced
So unfortunately Chris's Wray body was unrecognizable and had to thaw out
An tai
Tai wan
Af ca
Af w
My nothing
Let's check post with 67+3 again
(Feel SKG? Even though Chris Wray didn't reach Rivendell and PE: DK is dead
You still have me
There was 13+3~16
Seemingly 17-1
Ехал грека через реку
В реке рак
As we remember, water doesn't add negation
Cancer is 71~129, abi
So cancer (Second Ariana Grande) started to f*** second Taylor Swift but she was doing this without pleasure
Second Taylor, I don't understand whether you are victim or source of problems, is it clear?
Let's check transfusion part
177~1123~1323, A(CW), yes, Chris Wray tragically died and had to thaw out
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mitivy · 1 year ago
N-Methylaniline CAS 100-61-8 NMA factory sample is free have in stock
+ 86 13805212761 QUICK DETAILS Product name:N-Methylaniline CAS:100-61-8 Molecular formula:C7H9N Molecular weight:107.15 EINECS No.:202-870-9 Purity:≥99% Brand:MIT -IVY INDUSTRY CO.,LTD Other names:N-methyl-aniline;N-Methylaniline;N-methylphenylamine;N-methyl-N-phenylamine;N-Phenylmethylamine;Methylaniline;N-methyl-aminobenzene;Methylphenylamine;N-Monomethylaniline Appearance:light yellow liquid Port: any port in china Packing:according to the clients requirement Storage: Store in dry, dark and ventilated place. Transportation: by sea or by air payment methods: L/C, T/T, D/A, D/P, O/A, paypal, western union etc.accept all payment. Application 1. Used as a dye intermediate 2. N-Methylaniline is not only the raw material for the insecticide buprofezin, but also used for the synthesis of its intermediate N-chloromethyl N-phenylcarbamoyl chloride and the intermediate for the herbicide fenthiazide. It is widely used in the dye industry. 3. The product is used as an intermediate of organic synthesis, acid absorbent and solvent, and used in the production of cationic brilliant red FG, cationic peach red B, active yellow brown KGR, etc. in the dye industry. Superiority 1. Best quality in your requirement 2. Competitive price in china market 3. Mature technical support 4. Professional logistic support 5 . Full experience of large numberscontainers loading in chinese sea port 6 .Fast shipment by reputed shipping line 7. Packing with pallet as buyer's special request 8. Best service after shipment. 9.  Full experience in export 10. Raw materials from chinese origin Company Information MIT-IVY INDUSTRY CO.,LTD is a manufacturer and exporter of fine chemical dyes & pharmaceutical intermediates in China. Mainly produce aniline series products and chlorine series products. We are a young company full of vitality and vitality. The company has a group of energetic, well-trained employees and strong technical research and development capabilities. We specialize in the production, development and sales of API intermediates, fine chemicals and plant extracts. Relying on advanced equipment and strict management, adhere to the business philosophy of "openness, tolerance, innovation, and sharing" to create a win-win cooperationplatform.Everything comes from innovation, it is our philosophy ! If you are interested in getting more quotations, please add WHATSAPP:0086-13805212761 or E-MAIL:[email protected] Main products MIT-IVYINDUSTRYCO.,LTDMit-Ivy is a well-known fine chemicals and pharmaceutical intermediates manufacturer with strong R&D support in China. Mainly involved Aniline, Chlorine products. Payment:DA 60 DAYS TEL:008619961957599   E-MAIL:[email protected] 产品 Product CAS N,N-二甲基-1,4-苯二胺 N,N-Dimethyl-1,4-phenylenediamine DMPD 99-98-9 N,N-二甲基苄胺 N,N-Dimethylbenzylamine  BDMA 103-83-3 N,N-二甲基甲酰胺   N,N-Dimethylformamide  DMF .68-12-2 N,N-二甲基甲酰胺二甲缩醛 DMF-DMA N,N-Dimethylformamidedimethyl acetal  (DMF-DMA) 4637-24-5 N,N-二甲基乙酰胺 N,N-Dimethylacetamide   DMAC 127-19-5 N,N-二乙基间甲苯甲酰胺 避蚊胺 N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide    DEET 134-62-3 N,N-二乙基羟胺 N,N-Diethylhydroxylamine  DEHA 3710-84-7 N-甲基-N-羟乙基苯胺 2-(N-甲基苯胺)乙醇 2-(N-methylanilino)ethanol 93-90-3 N-甲基吡咯烷酮 N-methylpyrrolidone 872-50-4 N,N-二甲基苯胺 N,N-Dimethylaniline   DMA 121-69-7 N,N-二甲基对甲苯胺 N,N-Dimethyl-p-toluidine  DMPT 99-97-8 N,N-二甲基邻甲苯胺 N,N-Dimethyl-o-toluidine   DMOT 609-72-3 N,N-二乙基苯胺 N,N-Diethylaniline 91-66-7 N,N-二乙基间甲苯胺 N,N-Diethyl-m-toluidine 91-67-8 N,N-二羟乙基苯胺 N,N-Dihydroxyethylaniline   PDEA 120-07-0 N-乙基间甲苯胺 N-乙基-3-甲基苯胺 N-Ethyl-m-toluidine/N-Ethyl-3-methylaniline 102-27-2 N-乙基-N-氰乙基苯胺 3-(N-ethylanilino)propiononitrile 148-87-8 N-乙基-N-羟乙基苯胺 N-Ethyl-N-hydroxyethylaniline 92-50-2 N-乙基-N-苄基苯胺 乙基苄基苯胺; N-苄基-N-乙基苯胺 N-ethyl-N-phenylbenzenemethanamine 92-59-1 N-乙基-N-氰乙基间甲苯胺 N-2-cyanoethyl-N-ethyl-m-toluidine 148-69-6 N-乙基-N-苄基间甲苯胺 N-Benzyl-N-ethyl-m-toluidine 119-94-8 N-乙基邻甲苯胺 N-Ethyl-o-toluidine/2-Ethylaminotoluene 94-68-8 N-乙基苯胺 N-Ethylaniline 103-69-5 N-甲基苯胺 N-Methylaniline 100-61-8 N,N-二甲基-间甲基苯胺 N,N-DIMETHYL-M-TOLUIDINE 121-72-2 N-甲基二苯胺 N-Methyldiphenylamine 552-82-9 N-甲基-邻甲基苯胺 N-METHYL-O-TOLUIDINE 611-21-2 N-甲基-对甲基苯胺 N-METHYL-P-TOLUIDINE 623-08-5 4-甲基-N-苯基苯胺 N-PHENYL-P-TOLUIDINE 620-84-8 N-异丙基苯胺 N-ISOPROPYLANILINE 768-52-5 N,N-二氰乙基苯胺 N,N-Dicyanoethylaniline 1555-66-4 N,N-二羟乙基-对甲基苯胺 N,N-DIHYDROXYETHYL-P-TOLUIDINEDHEPT .3077-12-1 N-乙基-2-硝基苯胺 N-Ethyl-2-Nitro-Benzenamine 10112-15-9 2,4-二氯苯胺 2,4Dichloroaniline 554-00-7 N-(2-羟乙基)乙二胺 AEEA 111-41-1 1,3-二甲基-2-咪唑啉酮N,N-二甲基亚乙基脲1,3-二甲基-2-咪唑啉酮(DMI) 1,3-Dimethyl-2-imidazolidinone  DMI N,N'-dimethylimidazolidinone 80-73-9 N,N-二苄基羟胺 N,N-Dibenzylhydroxylamine 621-07-8 对甲苯胺 P-Toluidine  PT 106-49-0 邻甲苯胺 O-Toluidine  OT 95-53-4 二乙基乙醇胺 DEEA;DEAE 100-37-8 甲萘胺 AlphaNaphthylamine 134-32-7 间二氯苯 1,3-Dichlorobenzene   MDCB 541-73-1 间甲苯胺 M-Toluidine  MT 108-44-1 间苯二胺 M-PHENYLENEDIAMINE  MPDA 108-45-2 多乙烯多胺 PEPA 68131-73-7 二乙烯三胺(DETA) Diethylenetriamine  DETA 111-40-0 三乙烯二胺 Triethylenediamine 280-57-9 三乙烯四胺 TriethylenetetramineTETA 112-24-3 四乙烯五胺 TEPA 112-57-2 Read the full article
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leosbby · 1 year ago
SOD With The Muse.
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Karena concept! Jelas. Karena bener bener buat aku interesting to join.
My best home.
Aesthetic concept banget! Very selective, what an healty SQ.
Sung Ziyoung.
Yup. I guess, I’d.
Kece banget! Aku suka banget.
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9. Idk? Gak pernah di publish gitu. 10. Modeling.
11. Well. Gapapa sih, kalau udah kenal? Better sih, menghargai line dari muse tsb. Soalnya akupun kalau manggil yang lebih tua menghargai muse-nya. 12. Jujur ngk ada? Anggep aja ini jamet yah.
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13. This one.
14. Everything about her! 15. With, Go Younjung.
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16. Huft. I feel so ashamed tho. Ngerusak banget! 17. Semangat yah untuk nge-potryed muse kita, berikan a good and positive impressions. 18. Syuda! 19. Setidaknya sih perlu, bukan suatu keharusan tapi effort dikit bisa post photonya lewat Pinterest. 20. Belum sih.
21. Ziyoung, Jennie, and Jisoo! 22. Based on chara. 23. Line, twitter. 24. Luke Hemmings, 5months. 25. Apayah. Kayaknya sih ngk ada, soalnya aku tipe yang lempeng aja main RP.
26. @Jeqnduk. 27. @ofGaleo. 28. Pacarku lha, Galeo! 29. This one. Deeptalk tadi malem hehe.
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30. Maaf yah, aku sempet bikin kamu kecewa dan sedih. Aku tau itu salah aku. Aku sayang banget sama kamu, G. Makasii juga untuk terus percaya sama aku, dan kasih kebahagian itu ke aku. ☹️
31. Pernah. 32. Free love. 33. 🍺. 34. Sekarang, 12 bulan! 35. Tergantung dari pasangan tsb.
36. Sudaaaah! 1x. 37. Waktu itu pandemi trus, putus cinta jadi yauda. Apalgi, diajak temen juga haha. 38. Jeanor, Ayla, Ellea, Miluv gank. 39. @Themuse, @dixon. 40. Ngk ada.
41. Sudah. 42. Tdaaak. Soalnya aku gk punya SC. 43. 7/10. 44. Posesif. 45. Wren, Olive.
46. Kalau keseringan risih. Mending buat di akun CA / Unlabled. 47. Duh banyak lagi? Mungkin yang gak bisa jaga omongan, dan mukdu. Arogan, gak paham batasan. 48. Nope! 49. HSHSHSH! 👀
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50. Ngk ada! Aku pelupa orangnya.
51. Do’ain yah. Mungkin bisa besok, bulan depan atau minggu besok. 52. Bookmark.
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53. DMs.
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54. Akun mute / block.
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55. My most favorit of all time meme.
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56. Ngk donk. Aku taken. 57. 4! 58. Pernaaah. 59. Udah LRP, dan new-life? Jadi gatau. 60. A months.
61. Fakmeeen. Aku terlalu lucu untuk di ghost? 62. Banyaaak! Itu semua dari Gale. 63. Aku ngk ngitungin. 64. Akun aesthetic, soalnya enak dipandang! 65. Ngk harus. Yang wajib itu, beribadah.
66. Ngk ada. Soalnya usn idaman aku, yang udah aku pake di akun aku. 67. Pernah. 68. 7! 69. Karena obrolan, atau members di GDM tsb yang ngk welcoming dan buat gap antar new / old. Apalagi kalau CTs nya juga ngk nge-bantu apa - apa. 70. Mau! Tapi saran aku better pake Hypebeam.
71. Pernaaah! Akhirnya aku sekalian like aja beberapa upchara-an orang itu. 72. Malu, dan panik banget pasti! Woooi. 73. Stalk ya dari sebelah kiri, aman deh! 74. Punya! 75. Prefer on tl.
76. Ngk pernah. 77. G, stands for Galeo. 78. Apapun itu masih aman untuk dijalani, dan tdk memberatkan members / CTs. 79. Ngk ada! Aku nyaman. 80. Semakin erat, dan rame!
81. All of em’. 82. — Qei: the aesthetic one! — Ejie: well-spoken! — Yazef: fun to talk! — Jerof: kinda hard to approach! — Kalyn: Very interactive! — Jecline: Social Butterfly. — Xiano: hard to approach! — Halio: easily to interact! — Jeven: clam person! 83. Kka Peryol, Ciya, Dum! 84. Aku? HAHAHA. 85. Milof?
86. Qei, Yosephine, Giu, Jecline, Jeven. 87. Levian, Yajef. 88. Jissi, Binay. 89. Seno. 90. Ngk ada tau. BJILLL?!
91. Moses, Ciya, Livie, Yosephine, Sienna, Cetaf. 92. @ennei | Aa kasian aa, minta 100 aa. 93. All member! Ayo muncul pengen dekatan. 94. Tdaaak ada! 95. To all members: mungkin kita ngk bener bener dekat / ngobrol semua, tapi aku deepdown senang bisa ketemu kalian! Next, kita lebih banyak pendekatan yaaah.
96. Aku sensitive person, mudah marah, keras kepala, tapi aku baik kok. Cuma ngejar aja dikit, bercand! 97. @Ziyoxung | I’ve done my best today, I must always be happy. I’ll take a good care of myself as best as possible so that I don’t get sick, because I love myself. 98. Fun! Tapi aku rasanya dehidrasi parah ini! Aaa. 99. Semoga semua setelah ada SOD ini bisa mempererat kedekatan bukan hanya member tapi Cts juga. 100. NGK WOI! Cukuuuuup.
1 note · View note
toxics-sims-adventures · 1 year ago
TS4 Pack Asset and Lot count
The Base Game Sims 4 - September 2014 - Alot - WC:21 OS:21 [both 5 non residential, 1 secret] NC:15
Expansion Packs Get to Work - April 2015 - 519 (202 {79 just Makeup} CAS, 317 BUILD) + World - 4 [3 non residential, 3 hidden, 1 secret]
Get Together - December 2015 - 429 (108 CAS, 321 BUILD) + World - 27 [12 non residential]
City Living - November 2016 - 383 (114 CAS, 269 BUILD) + World - 29 [6 non residential] =15 (Not counting single apts as 1 lot)
Cats and Dogs - November 2017 - 505 (188 {92 for human} CAS, 317 BUILD) + World - 16 [5 non residential]
Seasons - June 2018 - 317 (148 CAS, 169 BUILD) - N/A
Get Famous - November 2018 - 399 (140 CAS, 259 BUILD) + World - 11 [5 non residential, 1 hidden]
Island Living - January 2019 - 300 (136 CAS, 164 BUILD) + World - 14 [3 non residential]
Discover University - November 2019 - 301 (120 CAS, 181 BUILD) + World - 13 [6 uni housing, 4 non residential]
Eco Lifestyle - June 2020 - 296 (126 CAS, 170 BUILD) + World - 15 [4 non residential]
Snowy Escape - November 2020 - 312 (134 CAS, 178 BUILD) + World - 14 [3 rentals, 4 non residential, 1 hidden]
Cottage Living - July 2021 - 292 (132 CAS, 160 BUILD) + World - 11 [1 rental, 2 non residential]
High School Years - July 2022 - 447 (197 CAS, 250 BUILD) + World - 12 [1 rental, 5 non residential]
Growing Together - March 2023 - 391 (196 CAS, 195 BUILD) + World - 12 [1 rental, 2 nonresidential]
Horse Ranch - July 2023 - 347 (148 CAS, 199 BUILD) + World - 13 [1 rental, 3 nonresidential]
For Rent - December 2023 - 329 (142 CAS, 187 BUILD) + World - 9 [7 residential, 2 nonresidential]
 > Total: 15 packs - 9 years - 5,567 (An average of 371 assets per pack) - 200 (An average of 13 lots per pack)
Game Packs Outdoor Retreat - January 2015 - 154 (74 CAS, 80 BUILD) + Vacation World - 6 [5 rentals, 1 non residential, 1 secret]
Spa Day - July 2015 (Refreshed 9-7-21)    194 (62 CAS, 132 BUILD) - N/A
Dine Out - June 2016 - 151 (26 CAS, 125 BUILD) - N/A
Vampires - January 2017 - 202 (72 CAS, 130 BUILD) + World  -  5
Parenthood - May 2017 - 138 (51 CAS, 87 BUILD) -  N/A
Jungle Adventures - February 2018 - 209 (41 CAS, 168 BUILD) + Vacation World - 7 [5 rentals, 2 non residential, 1 hidden]
Strangerville - February 2019 - 142 (40 CAS, 102 BUILD) + World - 12 [3 non residential]
Realm of Magic - September 2019 - 129 (55 CAS, 74 BUILD) + World - 5 [1 non residential]
Journey to Batuu - September 2020 - 249 (115 CAS, 134 BUILD) + Vacation World - 0 [3 hidden]
Dream Home Decorator - June 2021 - 194 (59 CAS, 135 BUILD) -  N/A
My Wedding Stories - February 2022 - 166 (86 CAS, 80 BUILD) + World  -  9 [1 rental, 2 non residential]
Werewolves - June 2022 - 188 (110 {26 for scars} CAS, 78 BUILD) + World - 5 [2 non residential]
 > Total: 12 packs - 8 years - 2,116 (An average of 176 assets per pack) - 49 (An average of 4 lots per pack)    
Stuff Packs Luxury Party - May 2015 - 53 (41 CAS, 12 BUILD)
Perfect Patio - June 2015 - 44 (12 CAS, 32 BUILD)
Cool Kitchen - August, 2015 - 52 (29 CAS, 23 BUILD)
Spooky - September, 2015 - 70 (37 CAS, 33 BUILD)
Movie Hangout - January 2016 - 61 (27 CAS, 34 BUILD)
Romantic Garden - February 2016 - 41 (19 CAS, 32 BUILD)
Kids Room - June 2016 - 71 (30 CAS,41 BUILD)
Backyard - July 2016 - 83 (24 CAS, 59 BUILD)
Vintage Glamour - December 2016 - 68 (27 CAS, 41 BUILD)
Bowling Night - March 2017 - 55 (20 CAS, 35 BUILD)
Fitness - June 2017 - 50 (17 CAS, 33 BUILD)
Toddlers - August 2017 - 51 (28 CAS, 23 BUILD)
Laundry Day - January 2018 - 68 (20 CAS, 48 BUILD)
My First Pet - March 2018  -  72 (37 CAS {11 for human}, 35 BUILD)
Moschino - August 2019  -  62 (24 CAS, 38 BUILD)
Tiny Living -  January 2020  -  66 (32 CAS, 34 BUILD)
Nifty Knitting -  July 2020  -  61 (38 CAS, 23 BUILD)
Paranormal - January 2021  -  71 (32 CAS, 39 BUILD)
Home Chef Hustle - September 2023 - 70 (45 CAS,26 BUILD)
 > Total: 19 packs -  8 years - 1,169 (An average of 61 assets per pack) - 0 (An average of 0 lots per pack)
Kits Throwback Fit - March 2021 - 23 CAS
Country Kitchen - March 2021  -  15 BUILD
Bust the Dust  -  March 2021  -  5 BUILD
Courtyard Oasis -  May 2021  -  22 BUILD
Industrial Loft   -  August 2021  -  26 BUILD
Fashion Street - October 2021  -  26 CAS
Incheon Arrivals - October 2021  -  22 CAS
Blooming Rooms - November 2021 - 24 BUILD
Modern Menswear - December 2021 - 24 CAS
Carnaval Streetwear - February 2022    25 CAS
Decor to the Max - March 2022  -  23 BUILD
Moonlight Chic - May 2022  -  33 CAS
Little Campers - May 2022  -  25 BUILD
First Fits - September 2022    24 CAS
Desert Luxe - September 2022    27 BUILD
Pastel Pop - November 2022    24 BUILD
Everyday Clutter  - November 2022    20 BUILD
Sim-timates Collection - January 2023  -  24 CAS
Bathroom Clutter - January 2023  -  31 BUILD
Greenhouse Haven - April 2023  -  27 BUILD
Basement Treasures - April 2023  -  26 BUILD
Grunge Revival - June 2023  -  25 CAS
Book Nook - June 2023  -  25 BUILD
Poolside Splash - Sept 2023  -  29 CAS
Modern Luxe - Sept 2023  -  28 BUILD
 > Total: 25 packs    3 years  -  603 (An average of 24 assets per pack)     0 (An average of 0 lots per pack)
0 notes
weddylwashc · 1 year ago
Bord Lfána
Ma y Bord Lfána'n shifflo y lfána i lîna llorwedd (gregysa) a lîna unionsyth (pileri). Ma fa'n câl i ddefnyddo drys sgwennifa swmpusâth a gwddonêtha arath. Ma fa'n cynrych yn dangos y gyfâth gregysol, sydd yn gwêd ar ol shifflo y lfâna ti cymenni gan u rif llutwynol, bydd patrwm darddall o u nota'n trawatu. Ma y bord yn câl i rannu i bedwar sgwâryn, sydd câl u enoa artala. Ma lfána miwn run artal yn noti nota cemicol typic wel arfar.
Cyn dou fil tri ar ucan (2023), ma cant dou now (118) ti câl u adnapod. Ma lfân cemicol, namyl yn câl i eno lfân, yn math llutwyn ta run rif o cadarnaolynnod miwn i gnouen llutwynol.
Ma y lfâna cemicol ta u rif , u nod ag u eno.
1 H Tarddadylfán, 2 He Oulylfán, 3 Li Mânylfán, 4 Be Belurylfán, 5 B Boracylfán, 6 C Glolfán, 7 N Nityrenilfán, 8 O Asitenilfán, 9 F Gorlifylfán, 10 Ne Newyddylfán, 11 Na Crasulfán, 12 Mg Magnisíalfán, 13 Al Alanwerwlfán, 14 Si Callestyrylfán, 15 P Plennyddylfán. 16 S Brwmstanylfán, 17 Cl Melenylfán, 18 Ar sugerylfán, 19 K Potashylfán, 20 Ca Calchylfán, 21 Sc Llychlynylfán, 22 Ti Titânylfán, 23 V Wenerylfán, 24 Cr Llifylfán, 25 Mn Dufagnisíalfán, 26 Fe Ârnylfán, 27 Co Pwcalfán, 28 Ni Gwenidwlfán, 29 Cu Tocynylfán, 30 Zn Dantylfán, 31 Ga Gâlylfán, 32 Ge Almânylfán, 33 As Arfelenylfán, 34 Se Llôrylfán, 35 Br Drewilfán, 36 Kr Cwatolfán, 37 Rb Ruddylfán, 38 Sr Trwynbendithylfán, 39 Y Yterylfán, 40 Zr Ârolylfán, 41 Nb Niobelfán, 42 Mo Plwmdwtylfán, 43 Tc Adîleticylfán, 44 Ru Rwshalfán, 45 Rh Rosylfán, 46 Pd Palasylfán, 47 Ag Arianylfán, 48 Cd Cadmosylfán, 49 In Injalfán, 50 Sn Alcamylfán, 51 Sb Cychylylfán, 52 Te Tirylfán, 53 I Ruddlasylfán, 54 Xe Wänolylfán, 55 Cs Glailfán, 56 Ba Trwmylfán, 57 La Gwalolfán, 58 Ce Ceresylfán, 59 Pr Gefellwyrddylfán, 60 Nd Gefellnewyddylfán, 61 Pm Promethëwsylfán, 62 Sm Samarylfán, 63 Eu Ewropylfán, 64 Gd Gadolinylfán, 65 Tb Terbylfán, 66 Dy Anoddylfán , 67 Ho Dinblocynylfán, 68 Er Erbylfán, 69 Tm Gogleddylfán, 70 Yb Yterbilfán, 71 Lu Parisylfán, 72 Hf Porthfarchnadylfán, 73 Ta Tántalosylfán, 74 W Mândrwmylfán, 75 Re Reinylfán, 76 Os Gwyntolfán, 77 Ir Bwadrindodylfán, 78 Pt Ariandwtylfán, 79 Au Ârylfán, 80 Hg Mercherylfan, 81 Tl Eginogylfán, 82 Pb Plwmylfán, 83 Bi Pwyswynylfán, 84 Po Polylfán, 85 At Anawalylfán, 86 Rn Pelytyrylfán, 87 Fr Ffrancylfán, 88 Ra Ropeletyrylfán, 89 Ac Peletyrwalolfán, 90 Th Ioulfán, 91 Pa Ropeletyrwalolfán, 92 U Wranwsylfán, 93 Np Nêfionylfán, 94 Pu Plwtolfán, 95 Am Americalfán, 96 Cm Cwrilfán, 97 Bk Berclilfán, 98 Cf Califfornialfán, 99 Es Einsteinylfán, 100 Fm Ffermilfán, 101 Md Mendelëfylfán, 102 No Nobelylfán, 103 Lr Lorensylfán, 104 Rf Rwthyrffordylfán, 105 Db Dobnalfán, 106 Sg Siborgylfán, 107 Bh Bôrylfán, 108 Hs Eselfán, 109 Mt Mîtnerylfán, 110 Ds Darmstatylfán, 111 Rg Röntgenylfán, 112 Cn Copernicylfán, 113 Nh Shapanylfán, 114 Fl Fflerofylfán, 115 Mc Moscfalfán, 116 Lv Lifermôrylfán, 117 Ts Tenesilfán, 118 Og Oganeshanylfán.
0 notes
that-fema-corps-blog · 2 years ago
FEMA Corps Blog List: Round 1
8/3/2022 – 11/6/2022
Corps Training Institute
Sacramento, CA 8/3/2022 – 8/25/2022
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13: Old Town Sacramento, CA
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
Day 18
Day 19
Day 20
Day 21
Day 22
Day 23
Day 24
Day 25
FEMA Corps Basic Academy
Sacramento, CA 8/29/2022 – 9/3/2022
Day 26
Day 27
Day 28
Day 29
Day 30
Day 31
Day 32
Day 33: San Francisco, CA
Day 34
Road Trip
California to Washington, D.C. 9/6/2022 – 9/11/2022
Day 35: Mojave Desert, CA
Day 36: Petrified Forest National Park, AZ
Day 37: Cadillac Ranch, TX
Day 38: Memphis Pyramid, TN
Day 39
Day 40: Shenandoah National Park, VA
Supplemental Response Teams
Washington, D.C. 9/14/2022 – 9/27/2022
Day 41
Day 42
Day 43
Day 44
Day 45
Day 46
Day 47
Day 48
Day 49
Day 50: Alexandria, VA
Day 51
Day 52: Alternative Dispute Resolution Training, MD
Day 53: National Postal & History Museums, D.C.
Day 54
Day 55
Day 56
Day 57
Disaster Recovery Center
Hurricane Fiona, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico 10/3/2022 – 10/29/2022
Day 58
Day 59
Day 60
Day 61
Day 62
Day 63
Day 64
Day 65
Day 66
Day 67
Day 68: Playa La Poza del Obispo, PR
Day 69
Day 70: The Birds and the… Other Birds
Day 71
Day 72
Day 73
Day 74
Day 75
Day 76
Day 77
Day 78
Day 79
Day 80
Day 81
Day 82: Isla de Vieques, PR
Day 83
Day 84
Day 85
Day 86
Day 87
Day 88
Day 89
AmeriCorps Round 1 – 2 Transition
Puerto Rico 10/31/2022 – 11/5/2022
Day 90
Day 91
Day 92
Day 93
Day 94
Day 95
Day 96
round 2 ->
0 notes
lyteandronix · 2 years ago
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Ask or dare the elements anything.
Elements you can ask (118):
Hydrogen (H - 1)
Helium (He - 2)
Lithium (Li - 3)
Beryllium (Be - 4)
Boron (B - 5)
Carbon (C - 6)
Nitrogen (N - 7)
Oxygen (O - 8)
Fluorine (F - 9)
Neon (Ne - 10)
Sodium (Na - 11)
Magnesium (Mg - 12)
Aluminium (Al - 13)
Silicon (Si - 14)
Phosphorus (P - 15)
Sulfur (S - 16)
Chlorine (Cl - 17)
Argon (R - 18)
Potassium (K - 19)
Calcium (Ca - 20)
Scandium (Sc - 21)
Titanium (Ti - 22)
Vanadium (V - 23)
Chromium (Cr - 24)
Manganese (Mn - 25)
Iron (Fe - 26)
Cobalt (Co - 27)
Nickel (Ni - 28)
Copper (Cu - 29)
Zinc (Zn - 30)
Gallium (Ga - 31)
Germanium (Ge - 32)
Arsenic (As - 33)
Selenium (Se - 34)
Bromine (Br - 35)
Krypton (Kr - 36)
Rubidium (Rb - 37)
Strontium (Sr - 38)
Yttrium (Y - 39)
Zirconium (Zr - 40)
Niobium (Nb - 41)
Molybdenum (Mo - 42)
Technetium (Tc - 43)
Ruthenium (Ru - 44)
Rhodium (Rh - 45)
Palladium (Pd - 46)
Silver (Ag - 47)
Cadmium (Cd - 48)
Indium (In - 49)
Tin (Sn - 50)
Antimony (Sb - 51)
Tellurium (Te - 52)
Iodine (I - 53)
Xenon (Xe - 54)
Caesium (Cs - 55)
Barium (Ba - 56)
Lanthanum (La - 57)
Cerium (Ce - 58)
Praseodymium (Pr - 59)
Neodymium (Nd - 60)
Promethium (Pm - 61)
Samarium (Sm - 62)
Europium (Eu - 63)
Gadolinium (Gd - 64)
Terbium (Tb - 65)
Dysprosium (Dy - 66)
Holmium (Ho - 67)
Erbium (Er - 68)
Thulium (Tm - 69)
Ytterbium (Yb - 70)
Lutetium (Lu - 71)
Hafnium (Hf - 72)
Tantalum (Ta - 73)
Tungsten (W - 74)
Rhenium (Re - 75)
Osmium (Os - 76)
Iridium (Ir - 77)
Platinum (Pt - 78)
Gold (Au - 79)
Mercury (Hg - 80)
Thallium (Tl - 81)
Lead (Pb - 82)
Bismuth (Bi - 83)
Polonium (Po - 84)
Astatine (At - 85)
Radon (Rn - 86)
Francium (Fr - 87)
Radium (Ra - 88)
Actinium (Ac - 89)
Thorium (Th - 90)
Protactinium (Pa - 91)
Uranium (U - 92)
Neptunium (Np - 93)
Plutonium (Pu - 94)
Americium (Am - 95)
Curium (Cm - 96)
Berkelium (Bk - 97)
Californium (Cf - 98)
Einsteinium (Es - 99)
Fermium (Fm - 100)
Mendelevium (Md - 101)
Nobelium (No - 102)
Lawrencium (Lr - 103)
Rutherfordium (Rf - 104)
Dubnium (Db - 105)
Seaborgium (Sg - 106)
Bohrium (Bh - 107)
Hassium (Hs - 108)
Meitnerium (Mt - 109)
Darmstadtium (Ds - 110)
Roentgenium (Rg - 111)
Copernicium (Cn - 112)
Nihonium (Nh - 113)
Flerovium (Fl - 114)
Moscovium (Mc - 115)
Livermorium (Lv - 116)
Tennessine (Ts - 117)
Oganesson (Og - 118)
1 note · View note
pharmaffiliatesanalytics · 3 years ago
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CAS No : 87-62-7 | Product Name : Mepivacaine - Impurity A | Chemical Name : 2,6-Dimethylaniline | Pharmaffiliates
Buy highly pure Mepivacaine - Impurity A, CAS No : 87-62-7, Mol.Formula : C8H11N, Mol.Weight : 121.18, from Pharmaffiliates. Login as registered user for prices, availability and discounts.
0 notes
duebox · 4 years ago
Words you can write using the periodic table cause why not
4 Beryllium (Be) 20 Calcium (C) 79 Gold (Au) 34 Selenium (Se) 9 Fluorine (F) 92 Uranium (U) 6 Carbon (C) 19 Potassium (K) 39 Yttrium (Y) 8 Oxygen (O) 92 Uranium (U) 83 Bismuth (Bi) 43 Technetium (Tc) 1 Hydrogen (H) 99 Einsteinium (Es) 53 Iodine (I) 95 Americium (Am) 83 Bismuth (Bi) 35 Bromine (Br) 8 Oxygen (O) 22 Titanium (Ti) 73 Tantalum (Ta) 28 Nickel (Ni) 6 Carbon (C) 56 Barium (Ba) 14 Silicon (Si) 6 Carbon (C) 9 Fluorine (F) 53 Iodine (I) 10 Neon (Ne) 27 Cobalt (Co) 8 Oxygen (O) 19 Potassium (K) 53 Iodine (I) 99 Einsteinium (Es) 62 Samarium (Sm) 18 Argon (Ar) 73 Tantalum (Ta) 16 Sulfur (S) 16 Sulfur (S) 16 Sulfur (S) 18 Argon (Ar) 20 Calcium (Ca) 62 Samarium (Sm) 95 Americium (Am) 83 Bismuth (Bi) 22 Titanium (Ti) 8 Oxygen (O) 7 Nitrogen (N) 52 Tellurium (Te) 89 Actinium (Ac) 1 Hydrogen (H) 68 Erbium (Er) 10 Neon (Ne) 74 Tungsten (W) 2 Helium (He) 39 Yttrium (Y) 15 Phosphorus (P) 57 Lanthanum (La ) 16 Sulfur (S) 22 Titanium (Ti) 6 Carbon (C) 79 Gold (Au) 88 Radium (Ra) 34 Selenium (Se) 75 Rhenium (Re) 11 Sodium (Na) 3 Lithium (Li) 6 Carbon (C) 19 Potassium (K) 9 Fluorine (F) 75 Rhenium (Re) 7 Nitrogen (N) 6 Carbon (C) 1 Hydrogen (H) 87 Francium (Fr) 53 Iodine (I) 99 Einsteinium (Es) 74 Tungsten (W) 1 Hydrogen (H) 39 Yttrium (Y) 73 Tantalum (Ta) 6 Carbon (C) 22 Titanium (Ti) 6 Carbon (C) 3 Lithium (Li) 10 Neon (Ne) 74 Tungsten (W) 53 Iodine (I) 90 Thorium (Th) 1 Hydrogen (H) 8 Oxygen (O) 8 Oxygen (O) 19 Potassium (K) 15 Phosphorus (P) 85 Astatine (At) 2 Helium (He) 22 Titanium (Ti) 6 Carbon (C) 23 Vanadium (V) 68 Erbium (Er) 39 Yttrium (Y) 31 Gallium (Ga) 39 Yttrium (Y) 18 Argon (Ar) 8 Oxygen (O) 7 Nitrogen (N) 8 Oxygen (O) 7 Nitrogen (N) 83 Bismuth (Bi) 7 Nitrogen (N) 18 Argon (Ar) 39 Yttrium (Y) 5 Boron (B) 92 Uranium (U) 7 Nitrogen (N) 7 Nitrogen (N) 39 Yttrium (Y) 21 Scandium (Sc) 18 Argon (Ar) 39 Yttrium (Y) 10 Neon (Ne) 23 Vanadium (V) 68 Erbium (Er) 73 Tantalum (Ta) 6 Carbon (C) 8 Oxygen (O) 16 Sulfur (S) 56 Barium (Ba) 6 Carbon (C) 8 Oxygen (O) 7 Nitrogen (N) 56 Barium (Ba) 11 Sodium (Na) 11 Sodium (Na) 47 Silver (Ag) 8 Oxygen (O) 33 Arsenic (As) 15 Phosphorus (P) 77 Iridium (Ir) 53 Iodine (I) 7 Nitrogen (N)
45 Rhodium (Rh) 53 Iodine (I) 7 Nitrogen (N) 8 Oxygen (O) 6 Carbon (C) 68 Erbium (Er) 8 Oxygen (O) 92 Uranium (U) 16 Sulfur (S) 31 Gallium (Ga) 88 Radium (Ra) 32 Germanium (Ge) 90 Thorium (Th) 53 Iodine (I) 7 Nitrogen (N)
53 Iodine (I) 58 Cerium (Ce) 6 Carbon (C) 39 Yttrium (Y) 17 Chlorine (Cl) 8 Oxygen (O) 15 Phosphorus (P) 16 Sulfur (S)
(This isn't a complete list so I'll add more when I think of them)
321 notes · View notes
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My US Travel Bucket List
1. New York City, NY
2. San Antonio, TX
3. Niagara Falls, New York
4. Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco
5. Old Faithful and Grand Prismatic Spring, Yellowstone National Park
6. South Beach, Miami
7. The Narrows, Zion National Park
8. Santa Fe, New Mexico
9. Pacific Coast Highway, California
10. Nashville, TN
11. Boston, Mass
12. Joshua Tree National Park, California
13. Maui, Hawaii
14. Anchorage, AK
15. Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre, Colorado
16. Horse Show Bend, AZ
17. Austin, TX
18. Mount Rushmore National Memorial, South Dakota
19. Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, New Mexico
20. Griffith Observatory, California
21. Going-to-the-Sun-Road, Glacier National Park
22. Las Vegas, NV
23. Acadia National Park, Maine
24. Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah
25. Liberty Bell and Independence Hall, Philadelphia
26. Hot Springs, Arkansas
27. Redwood National and State Parks, California
28. Crater Lake National Park, Oregon
29. Taos Pueblo, NM
30. Antelope Canyon, AZ
31. Lake Superior, MN
32. Arches National Park, Utah
33. Kentucky Derby, Louisville KY
34. Maxkinac Island, Lake Huron Michigan
35. Santa Monica, CA
36. NASA Space Center, Houston TX
37. Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado
38. Fenway Park, Boston MA
39. Alcatraz Island, San Francisco CA
40. Drive the whole Route 66
41. Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angeles
42. Tour The White House
43. Disneyland
44. Death Valley
45. Elvis Presley’s Home in Memphis
46. Millennium Park, Chicago
47. Big Sur Coast, Carmel to San Francisco
48. Eastern State Penitentiary (Al Capone), Philadelphia
49. Tour Warner Brothers Studio, LA
50. Walk Across the Brooklyn Bridge, NYC
51. Catch a Cubs game in Chicago
52. Wine Tasting in Napa Valley, CA
53. Gateway Arch in St. Louis
54. Swim in the Havasu Falls Pools, Arizona
55. Universal Studios, Hollywood
56. Catch a Broadway Show
57. Visit the Smithsonian Museums in Washington DC
58. Maroon Bells, Aspen CO
59. Lake Tahoe, Straddling Nevada and California
60. Climb to the Hollywood Sign
61. Everglades National Park
62. Navy Pier, Chicago
63. White Sands National Monument, New Mexico
64. Central Park, New York
65. Martha’s Vineyard, Mass
66. Eat Lobster in Maine
67. Go to Coachella
68. Go to SBSW
69. lollapalooza
70. Experience a real American Ranch
71. Ben & Jerry’s Factory, Vermont
72. Watch A Rodeo in Cody, Wyoming
73. Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, Ohio
74. The Seven Magic Mountains, Nevada
75. Salem Witch Trials Tour
76. Visit Members Mark in Kentucky
77. Watch Talledega Super Speedway, Alabama
78. Salvation Mountain, Niland, CA
79. Hole N The Rock, Moab Utah
80. Carhenge: Alliance, Nebraska
81. Prada Marfa, Valentine TX
82. Enchanted Highway: North Dakota
83. Dinosaur Kingdom II, Natural Bridge Virginia
84. Cadillac Ranch, Amarillo TX
85. Winchester Mystery House, San Jose California
86. Pineapple Garden Maze: Wahiawa Hawaii
87. Gum Wall, Seattle WA
88. Bubblegum Alley, San Luis Obispo California
89. Flintstones Bedrock City, Coconino County Arizona
11 notes · View notes
custasxiaoai611 · 3 years ago
99 điều về Trì Trì ✨
1.Người Liêu Ninh, Thẩm Dương.
2.Cao 189(,5) cm, vai rộng 58 cm, chân dài 124/125 cm, tầm tay 205 cm.
3.Lúc mang thai mẹ Trì đang ở Anh, nên còn có tên là Anh Bảo.
4.Từng dùng tên Từ Tân Thành, sau đó cảm thấy không hay bằng Từ Tân Trì nên đổi lại.
5.Muốn mở cô nhi viện hoặc nơi nhận nuôi trẻ em.
6.Thi hai bài thi phát thanh, biểu diễn được song A, đỗ Thượng hý aka Học viện kịch hý Thượng Hải (toàn quốc chỉ có 6 người được điểm A bài thi biểu diễn), được vào kế hoạch bồi dưỡng nhân tài của Trung Truyền aka đại học Truyền thông Bắc Kinh.
7.Cực kì thích em gái, rất cưng chiều hai em của mình, màn hình cũng để ảnh em gái. Mỗi tuần đều gửi quà về cho các em, nói rằng kĩ thuật chăm trẻ con chỉ cần cưng chiều là được.
8.Rất trân trọng quà của fan, trước đây fan tặng hoa, vòng tay, đồ chơi mấy năm sau vẫn còn xuất hiện bên mình.
9.Điều kiện gia đình rất tốt nhưng rất tiết kiệm, vali, túi, đồ dùng, quần áo đều dùng vài năm là chuyện thường thấy.
10.Thích gom nhặt mất thừ đồ kì lạ, ví dụ như cúc áo...
11.Thích đi giày, dép lớn hơn một cỡ.
12.Bộ phận mãn nguyện nhất trên cơ thể là lông chân, còn có một lần khác nói là dạ dày.
13.Rất thích chơi bóng rổ.
14.Món nhất định phải gọi khi đến Haidilao là tiết vịt, lần nào cũng gọi.
15.Nước chấm khi đi ăn lẩu là tương mè.
16.Có thể dùng tay đập gạch, thời cấp 2 nghiên cứu mấy người "bán nghệ" ngoài đường xong học được. =)))
17.Rất cố gắng, hồi còn trong Đại Xưởng đã từng 2 ngày tập luyện tầm 42 tiếng.
18.Tuyệt đối không bỏ đồ ngọt.
19.Có lần một bữa ăn 70 cái sủi cảo.
20.Fan cứng của Hải Miên Bảo Bảo, hồi đầu luôn để ảnh đại diện wb là HMBB.
21.Xem đi xem lại HMBB.
22.Thích một câu trong HMBB là "Kiến thức không thể thay thế tình bạn, so với việc mất đi cậu, tớ thà làm một đứa ngốc."
23.Cung Song Tử điển hình, ban ngày là boy vui vẻ XXC, ban đêm lại emo.
24.Sở thích: hát, nhảy, rap, các loại hình vận động (bóng rổ, trượt tuyết...).
25.Thích bim bim Lays vị dưa chuột, vì nó không ngấy.
26.Thi vào cấp 3 với thân phận là học sinh năng khiếu thể dục.
27.Bị thầy giáo phát hiện ra lôi vào ban truyền thông của trường cấp 3, làm MC, diễn kịch.
28.Quyết định thi nghệ thuật từ hồi lớp 10, bắt đầu từ con số 0.
29.Hồi thi nghệ thuật, mỗi ngày đều kiên trì chạy 10 km.
30.Fanboy theo đuổi idol có thâm niên.
31.Wb đầu tiên đăng sau khi thành niên là muốn tham gia TXCB.
32.Vào Xưởng với 400 đôi tất.
33.Nhân duyên rất tốt, được gọi là "máy thu anh trai" của Đại Xưởng.
34.Thích ăn một loại "bánh quy ngon nhất thế giới".
35.Danh sách nhạc sắp xếp theo: những bài thích nghe gần đây.
36.Cận 400 độ Trung. (= 4,4 độ)
37.Nhóm máu AB.
38.Từng bị bác sĩ nhổ nhầm 1 chiếc răng khôn. =))
39.Lồng tiếng rất giỏi, lại có thể biến tấu rất lợi hại.
40.Biết làm âm cong lưỡi "rrrrrr".
41.Thỉnh thoảng sẽ đăng bài trong vòng bạn bè với phong cách đơn giản, lạnh lùng.
42.Từng mỗi ngày đều học từ tiếng Anh theo app.
43.Fan meeting sinh nhật vì không muốn fan phải mua vé chợ đen tăng giá nên đã đưa 80% vé cho hvh.
44.Thích đồ thời trang là giày và mũ.
45.Để biệt danh trên wc cho bạn bè là tên thật, nếu thân thì sẽ để biệt danh + tên thật.
46.Thích ăn giấm.
47.Thích kỵ sĩ.
48.Thích chơi Liên Minh, chơi rất giỏi.
49.Hồi đi học, có một người bạn trộm đồ uống trong cửa hàng tiện lợi của trường, liền mắng người đó rồi mua cả thùng bắt người đó uống. Luôn nghĩ rằng đây là "lịch sử hắc" của mình nên lúc đầu không dám vào giới giải trí.
50.Ở sân bay âm thầm cúi người 2 lần vì chắn đường của người khác.
51.Thể loại phim gì cũng muốn diễn.
52.Diễn phim truyền hình muốn diễn nhân vật có nội tâm một chút.
53.Xem lại vở nhạc kịch Hamilton nhiều lần.
54.Muốn đi đến nơi nghỉ dưỡng như biển.
55.Muốn có siêu năng lực của "Người hùng tia chớp", có thể xuyên không.
56.Gần đây muốn học nấu ăn.
57.Trong Xưởng tự cắt video chúc sinh nhật bạn, đi tìm mọi người quay video rồi cắt đến sáng, không ngủ.
58.Hồi tập bài hát chủ đề, vì muốn ngủ thêm 3 tiếng mà khóc rồi.
59.Thích nhuộm tóc màu xám và màu trắng.
60.Thích Lego, mỗi lần sinh nhật mẹ đều gửi cho một bộ Lego, một cái đồng hồ, một cây bút máy.
61.Một năm lớn nhanh nhất cao 13 cm.
62.Hơi nhát gan một chút.
63.Công ty chỉ có 3 người, 2 người quản lí là Doremon và Doremi.
64.Đem sticker fan gửi dán lên đồ dùng cá nhân của mình.
65.Bài hát cũ thích nhất là ost của HMBB.
66.Mỗi lần nhắc đến tên đều được thầy cô khen.
67.Sẽ định kì đi xem kịch, phim.
68.Cảm thấy bản thân có mê lực nhất là khi đứng trên sân khấu.
69.Mỗi sân khấu Thanh3 đều tự mình thiết kế part và thêm những chi tiết nhỏ.
70.Tự mình đánh giá ngoại hình của mình là vừa đủ điểm, cảm thấy bản thân không phải gu mình.
71.Cảm thấy đẹp trai phải như Hồ Ca, Lâm Ngạn Tuấn... rất đẹp trai, rất man.
72.Muốn mở viện phúc lợi là bởi vì thi ĐH từng viết một đề bài về các em nhỏ miền núi, cũng vì hồi bé bố mẹ từng mở viện dưỡng lão, cảm thấy người gia và cô nhi rất cần được quan tâm.
73.Cảm thấy bản thân là một người có thể làm không khí vui lên.
74.Trừ lúc làm việc thì thích xem phim, thích đi du lịch.
75.Miệng nói có thể sẽ phải "canh gác" lớp N, thực ra âm thầm cố gắng lên lớp C.
76.Thích một câu trong "Sói già phố Wall" là "Nếu bạn đưa cho mọi người một lí do đủ lớn, họ sẽ luôn đi tìm giải pháp để thực hiện."
77.Cách giảm bớt áp lực là ăn và nói chuyện với bạn bè.
78.Cảm thấy bộ phận có mê lực trên người là: cổ.
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79.Thích áo khoác dài.
80.Thích chơi nhân vật trong Liên Minh là Athena và Tư Mã Ý.
81.Murder game thích chơi kịch bản kinh dị.
82.Vận động viên bóng rổ yêu thích là Kobe.
83.Ở kí túc từ 4 tuổi đến cấp 3.
84.Thích đi công viên giải trí.
85.Hồi nhỏ một tuần chỉ được gặp bố mẹ một lần.
86.Cố định một thời gian sẽ đi giải toả tâm tình, du lịch.
87.Học phát thanh vì từng xem nhiều MC đứng trên sân khấu phát sáng.
88.Hay trêu fan, có hứng thú với những cmt hài hước.
89.Tương lai sẽ chú trọng về diễn xuất.
90.Cảm thấy học hành quan trọng hơn công việc.
91.Mục tiêu là một vai diễn có thể ch��ng minh khả năng của mình.
92.Hồi trong Xưởng từng nửa đêm âm thầm quay lại phòng tập bị trạm tỷ gọi còn trốn đi.
93.Nói rằng hồi đi học trông mình rất lôi thôi, lếch thếch.
94.Hồi nhỏ muốn cắt mí mà mẹ cấm. =))
95.Sợ chim, bởi vì hồi nhỏ từng nhìn thấy một con chim đang thoi thóp sắp chết, bị ám ảnh.
96.Tự nói mình là fan tuyển tú bình thường, không phải thâm niên.
97.Nghĩ rằng "kim qua" (aka 1) là "đẹp trai". =))
98.Bí quyết vui vẻ là mỗi ngày đều nắm bắt chuyện vui vẻ, đừng cứ nghĩ về chuyện hôm trước, tất cả sẽ ổn thôi.
99.Mong rằng mọi người ghi nhớ con người Từ Tân Trì em.
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mitivy · 1 year ago
NMA CAS:100-61-8 N-MethylAniline petroluem factory Supply Best price/sample is free
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QUICK DETAILS Product name:N-Methylaniline CAS:100-61-8 Molecular formula:C7H9N Molecular weight:107.15 EINECS No.:202-870-9 Purity:≥99% Brand:MIT -IVY INDUSTRY CO.,LTD Other names:N-methyl-aniline;N-Methylaniline;N-methylphenylamine;N-methyl-N-phenylamine;N-Phenylmethylamine;Methylaniline;N-methyl-aminobenzene;Methylphenylamine;N-Monomethylaniline Appearance:light yellow liquid Port: any port in china Packing:according to the clients requirement Storage: Store in dry, dark and ventilated place. Transportation: by sea or by air payment methods: L/C, T/T, D/A, D/P, O/A, paypal, western union etc.accept all payment. Application 1. Used as a dye intermediate 2. N-Methylaniline is not only the raw material for the insecticide buprofezin, but also used for the synthesis of its intermediate N-chloromethyl N-phenylcarbamoyl chloride and the intermediate for the herbicide fenthiazide. It is widely used in the dye industry. 3. The product is used as an intermediate of organic synthesis, acid absorbent and solvent, and used in the production of cationic brilliant red FG, cationic peach red B, active yellow brown KGR, etc. in the dye industry. Superiority 1. Best quality in your requirement 2. Competitive price in china market 3. Mature technical support 4. Professional logistic support 5 . Full experience of large numberscontainers loading in chinese sea port 6 .Fast shipment by reputed shipping line 7. Packing with pallet as buyer's special request 8. Best service after shipment. 9.  Full experience in export 10. Raw materials from chinese origin Company Information MIT-IVY INDUSTRY CO.,LTD is a manufacturer and exporter of fine chemical dyes & pharmaceutical intermediates in China. Mainly produce aniline series products and chlorine series products. We are a young company full of vitality and vitality. The company has a group of energetic, well-trained employees and strong technical research and development capabilities. We specialize in the production, development and sales of API intermediates, fine chemicals and plant extracts. Relying on advanced equipment and strict management, adhere to the business philosophy of "openness, tolerance, innovation, and sharing" to create a win-win cooperationplatform.Everything comes from innovation, it is our philosophy ! If you are interested in getting more quotations, please add WHATSAPP:0086-13805212761 or E-MAIL:[email protected] Main products MIT-IVYINDUSTRYCO.,LTDMit-Ivy is a well-known fine chemicals and pharmaceutical intermediates manufacturer with strong R&D support in China. Mainly involved Aniline, Chlorine products. Payment:DA 60 DAYS TEL:008619961957599   E-MAIL:[email protected] 产品 Product CAS N,N-二甲基-1,4-苯二胺 N,N-Dimethyl-1,4-phenylenediamine DMPD 99-98-9 N,N-二甲基苄胺 N,N-Dimethylbenzylamine  BDMA 103-83-3 N,N-二甲基甲酰胺   N,N-Dimethylformamide  DMF .68-12-2 N,N-二甲基甲酰胺二甲缩醛 DMF-DMA N,N-Dimethylformamidedimethyl acetal  (DMF-DMA) 4637-24-5 N,N-二甲基乙酰胺 N,N-Dimethylacetamide   DMAC 127-19-5 N,N-二乙基间甲苯甲酰胺 避蚊胺 N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide    DEET 134-62-3 N,N-二乙基羟胺 N,N-Diethylhydroxylamine  DEHA 3710-84-7 N-甲基-N-羟乙基苯胺 2-(N-甲基苯胺)乙醇 2-(N-methylanilino)ethanol 93-90-3 N-甲基吡咯烷酮 N-methylpyrrolidone 872-50-4 N,N-二甲基苯胺 N,N-Dimethylaniline   DMA 121-69-7 N,N-二甲基对甲苯胺 N,N-Dimethyl-p-toluidine  DMPT 99-97-8 N,N-二甲基邻甲苯胺 N,N-Dimethyl-o-toluidine   DMOT 609-72-3 N,N-二乙基苯胺 N,N-Diethylaniline 91-66-7 N,N-二乙基间甲苯胺 N,N-Diethyl-m-toluidine 91-67-8 N,N-二羟乙基苯胺 N,N-Dihydroxyethylaniline   PDEA 120-07-0 N-乙基间甲苯胺 N-乙基-3-甲基苯胺 N-Ethyl-m-toluidine/N-Ethyl-3-methylaniline 102-27-2 N-乙基-N-氰乙基苯胺 3-(N-ethylanilino)propiononitrile 148-87-8 N-乙基-N-羟乙基苯胺 N-Ethyl-N-hydroxyethylaniline 92-50-2 N-乙基-N-苄基苯胺 乙基苄基苯胺; N-苄基-N-乙基苯胺 N-ethyl-N-phenylbenzenemethanamine 92-59-1 N-乙基-N-氰乙基间甲苯胺 N-2-cyanoethyl-N-ethyl-m-toluidine 148-69-6 N-乙基-N-苄基间甲苯胺 N-Benzyl-N-ethyl-m-toluidine 119-94-8 N-乙基邻甲苯胺 N-Ethyl-o-toluidine/2-Ethylaminotoluene 94-68-8 N-乙基苯胺 N-Ethylaniline 103-69-5 N-甲基苯胺 N-Methylaniline 100-61-8 N,N-二甲基-间甲基苯胺 N,N-DIMETHYL-M-TOLUIDINE 121-72-2 N-甲基二苯胺 N-Methyldiphenylamine 552-82-9 N-甲基-邻甲基苯胺 N-METHYL-O-TOLUIDINE 611-21-2 N-甲基-对甲基苯胺 N-METHYL-P-TOLUIDINE 623-08-5 4-甲基-N-苯基苯胺 N-PHENYL-P-TOLUIDINE 620-84-8 N-异丙基苯胺 N-ISOPROPYLANILINE 768-52-5 N,N-二氰乙基苯胺 N,N-Dicyanoethylaniline 1555-66-4 N,N-二羟乙基-对甲基苯胺 N,N-DIHYDROXYETHYL-P-TOLUIDINEDHEPT .3077-12-1 N-乙基-2-硝基苯胺 N-Ethyl-2-Nitro-Benzenamine 10112-15-9 2,4-二氯苯胺 2,4Dichloroaniline 554-00-7 N-(2-羟乙基)乙二胺 AEEA 111-41-1 1,3-二甲基-2-咪唑啉酮N,N-二甲基亚乙基脲1,3-二甲基-2-咪唑啉酮(DMI) 1,3-Dimethyl-2-imidazolidinone  DMI N,N'-dimethylimidazolidinone 80-73-9 N,N-二苄基羟胺 N,N-Dibenzylhydroxylamine 621-07-8 对甲苯胺 P-Toluidine  PT 106-49-0 邻甲苯胺 O-Toluidine  OT 95-53-4 二乙基乙醇胺 DEEA;DEAE 100-37-8 甲萘胺 AlphaNaphthylamine 134-32-7 间二氯苯 1,3-Dichlorobenzene   MDCB 541-73-1 间甲苯胺 M-Toluidine  MT 108-44-1 间苯二胺 M-PHENYLENEDIAMINE  MPDA 108-45-2 多乙烯多胺 PEPA 68131-73-7 二乙烯三胺(DETA) Diethylenetriamine  DETA 111-40-0 三乙烯二胺 Triethylenediamine 280-57-9 三乙烯四胺 TriethylenetetramineTETA 112-24-3 四乙烯五胺 TEPA 112-57-2 Read the full article
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sassy31 · 3 years ago
おっけーじゃあ 100個、2022 yeah
4.ハキハキ喋る 明瞭
41.農業生業にしてみたい 覚悟はなし
56.CAなりたーい フィジー航空
63.いきたーい ()
72.絵描く!水彩画 油絵
85.毎日ジャンプ1000回 (笑)
92.fuck スマホ 
2022というか、in 5 years かも
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